

The New Way to Experience DiSC®
At Team BrightSpark, we’re proud to offer Catalyst™. Think of it as a personalized learning platform that serves as your team’s digital home base throughout their DiSC® journey.
It can be used in tandem with our instructor-led facilitation or as part of an individual's self-guided exploration. However it is used the new Catalyst™ platform empowers your people to adapt to others in real-time, driving engagement and inspiring more effective workplace collaboration.
By seamlessly integrating DiSC® into the flow of your team's existing work, Catalyst™ ensures that valuable insights and takeaways are immediately applicable, leading to lasting improvements in your organization.

Catalyst™ includes the Everything DiSC Workplace® profile as the standard. You can then also choose to add on Everything DiSC® Management and Everything DiSC Agile EQ® profiles too.
The Result | A more adaptable and collaborative team, equipped with the tools to navigate diverse work environments.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about this exciting digital experience!